Dear Parents, Parishioners & Friends of Immacolata,
Prepare for take off as we begin our journey to outer space! Just like the stars in the sky, not one child is the same and we strive to provide the most supportive and caring community for our children as they grow at Immacolata. Our parish and school have come together for many years to raise the funds needed to improve our church and school and we cannot do it without this auction. It is thanks to our donors and volunteers that we have seen two record-setting auctions and we are headed for number three with your help! To infinity & beyond!
We are looking for various donations to add to the silent and live auction, and financial support to seed our planning efforts.
Vacation homes
Ski or beach vacations
Winery trips
Golf outings
Tickets to local attractions
Hosted dinners
Professional services (ie: tax prep, landscaping design, photography, etc.)
Gift certificates
Financial Support
Points for travel (airline, hotel)
Cash donations to help underwrite premium auction items
Please contact us if you have one of the sought-after items or services listed above or a contact that could help us out. Monetary donations can be made through our Bidpal site at https://one.bidpal.net/immacolatasolarsoiree The proceeds from your contribution will benefit the parish and school. Thanks in advance for all that you will do to support this amazing event. November 11, 2023 will be here before we know it!
Your Co-Chairs
Annie Fusz, Katie Marischen, Julie McDonald, Anna Moritz & Kristin Shelton
Your contribution is tax deductible. Our Federal TAX ID# is 43-0653345.